Industrial and Commercial Ministries
“a caring presence” in America’s places of work
ICM is a Christian, ecumenical, not-for-profit organization that equips, places, and supports volunteer chaplains in America’s places of work.
All prayers, volunteers and financial support are very much appreciated.

Industrial Chaplaincy

Our Mission and Purpose and the Role of the ICM Chaplain
The ICM Mission and Purpose
Industrial and Commercial Ministries is an ecumenical training and placement organization which equips, places and supports clergy and laity as volunteer chaplains to serve people where they perform their daily labor. We seek to share the message of God’s care and compassion and to enhance the sensitivity of persons to the changing nature of the contemporary workplace.
As a compassionate outreach of the church, we share the message of God’s care with employees and employers. ICM chaplains serve as a supportive presence, lend a listening ear and provide effective referral to those in need.

Life Can Be Tough
In every industrial facility, place of commerce, in all types of businesses and public safety organizations – police, rescue and fire departments – people are dealing with tough issues.
Issues of stress, marital and family strife, substance abuse, loneliness, financial concerns, disappointment, anger, illness and anxiety follow people to work and, from time to time, are intensified by the dynamics within the workplace – corporate restructuring, staff changes and relationships among employees.

There is Hope
Since 1972, ICM Chaplains have been sharing the message of God’s care and compassion with persons in America’s places of work. ICM is an ecumenical, not-for-profit, training and placement organization that equips, places and supports clergy and lay persons as volunteer chaplains. Workplace Chaplains serve large or small businesses, industrial and manufacturing sites, and places of commerce. Public Safety Chaplains serve with police, rescue and fire departments.
A Ministry of Relationships
ICM Chaplains respond to individuals by providing a listening ear, a supportive and caring presence, individual attention and effective referral.
The interactions between Chaplains and individuals are always confidential and always free.